Temporary Safety Tips for LGBTQ+ individuals in Syria

Recently, news has circulated regarding alleged violations targeting individuals from the LGBTQIA+ community. While the accuracy of these reports is still under verification, we emphasize the ethical considerations concerning the privacy of vi ctims and their families, as well as the negative impact of sharing unverified or sensitive information. Disseminating inaccurate news or analyses can spread fear and panic, creating additional tension and pressure. Documenting such violations requires specific methodologies and specialized tools.

At GEM, we are actively monitoring, documenting, and investigating these incidents while addressing them in accordance with professional standards. We are also closely observing the situation of our community.

Additionally, we are in communication and collaboration with the management teams of several applications used by LGBTQIA+ individuals to implement enhanced safety and security measures for user accounts in Syria. As part of our partnership with Meta and other programs, we have advocated for the development and implementation of additional security and protection measures to ensure the safety of our community members.

It is natural for LGBTQIA+ individuals to have concerns due to the security situation in Syria, as expressed by our field coordinators on the ground. Many community members, driven by these concerns, are deleting dating apps and considering new measures to address these challenges. Therefore, it may be helpful to explore some temporary tips to address these security concerns:

Avoid Revealing Identity:
● Through actions that could be perceived as indicative of homosexuality.
● Through clothing, facial or ear accessories, makeup, or hairstyles.

Refrain during this period from:
● Engaging in public discussions about sexual orientation and gender identity.
● Rushing to trust others or being in unsafe or unfamiliar locations.

Secure Your Social Media Accounts:
● Strengthen your passwords and enable additional login security measures.
● Be more cautious and vigilant when sharing photos online or during messaging.
● Always verify the identity of others.

Seek Support:
● Reach out to trusted individuals for psychological and social support.
● Contact specialized organizations for guidance, support, and assistance.

Always remember that we stand by your side. Do not hesitate to reach out to us if you encounter or observe any violations against sexual and gender minorities in Syria. We will address them in a professional and thoughtful manner, in collaboration with specialized international organizations.
