Coming Out Day: Syrian LGBTQIA+ Experiences in Revealing Their Identity

“You’re afraid of your identity, and that’s the worst. Be proud of who you are, and those who love you will appreciate that!” – Rona, a young lesbian Syrian woman. “When I was in middle school, I would behave naturally as a gay boy, wearing a little makeup. After facing bullying and harm, I decided […]

International Lesbian Day: Famous Figures Throughout history

Throughout history, we have often looked back at a rich record of developments and changes that have shaped our world today. Revisiting history encourages us to critically and objectively examine many truths that are still framed as “controversial issues.” In this report, we take a brief look at an aspect of the lives of lesbians […]

Homosexuality in Ancient Syria and Iraq:Blessings and Privileges

Sabatino Moscati, author of the book *The Ancient Semitic Civilizations*, states that “despite its overall originality, Greek civilization owes much of its ideas to the peoples of Mesopotamia.”  On the other hand, many who attack homosexuality and consider it a “phenomenon” argue that our history was never tolerant of it, and that rejecting it is […]

In solidarity with lebanese civilians: Lebanon in a crisis

Lebanese people have been suffering from multiple crises for years,and they’re supposed to be recovering today, not facing another one. We are horrified by the devastating situation in Lebanon, and we are sending our solidarity not only through thoughts but also through actions. At the Guardians of Equality Movement (GEM), we are on high alert […]

Love, safety, and respect for freedoms”: Hopes for a better future

The Guardians of Equality Movement, in collaboration with LGBT Arabic, launched an open survey targeting members of the LGBTQIA+ community. The survey was titled “Documenting the Story,” and the target samples were followers of the LGBT Arabic platforms and the Guardians of Equality Movement on social media. A total of 65 individuals, mostly Syrians both […]

Bisexuality: It’s Not Confusion, It’s All the Possibilities

Here Are the Most Common Misconceptions About “Bisexuality” on Celebrate Bisexuality Day “To be bisexual means to be free to love or be loved, regardless of gender. “ ” Bisexuality does not mean confusion; it means embracing all possibilities”  ” I am attracted to hearts, not to bodies. “ Perhaps the previous quotes express the […]

Study: Syria is one of the Most Dangerous place for LGBTQIA+

A study conducted by the Guardians of Equality movement (GEM) concluded that Syria is one of the most repressive countries for women and LGBTQIA+ individuals. The Syrian government and opposition forces have played roles in the oppression of LGBTQIA+ people in Syria, using homosexuality as a pretext for arrest and imprisonment. The research titled “We […]


Co-Founder (Operations Department and Grants Department)​ She/Her

Mega Arsheed

Co-Founder& Board Member (Communications, Advocacy,HR)