Documenting the Story

The Guardians of Equality Movement, in collaboration with LGBT Arabic, launched an open survey targeting members of the LGBTQIA+ community. The survey was titled “Documenting the Story,” and the target samples were followers of the LGBT Arabic platforms and the Guardians of Equality Movement on social media. A total of 65 individuals, mostly Syrians both inside and outside Syria, participated in the four-question survey. In the survey, we noted that participants had the option to choose which stories they wished to disclose, allowing them to share the stories they wanted. We also asked them to specify a preferred name for sharing their submission.

Here are the questions we asked, along with the number of responses for each:

Share your story, perhaps about coming out, a piece of advice, or an inspiring story you’ve experienced or know of.

 Have you been able to build friendships and safe spaces with both non-LGBTQIA+ people and members of the LGBTQIA+ community? What advice would you give on this? Share a related story.

Can you describe the period when you identified your identity as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community? How did you feel, and how do you describe it now?

In your opinion, what needs to change in the reality of the Syrian LGBTQIA+ community and in the Middle East? What do you hope for the future?

In this report, we will take you through the responses of 18 individuals to the fourth question: What do you hope for the future? Here is a summary of the answers:

Dee:- Respect for the freedom of others.

Radica:- Raising awareness, respecting diversity, and strengthening legal protections.

Jenix:- Change must be both political and ideological, with support coming from LGBTQIA+ individuals themselves.

Haider:- Avoiding confrontation and clarifying the nature and reality of our existence to the non-LGBTQIA+ community
